Helping you to find the right answers to questions that are expensive to be wrong about.


Your problem in a nutshell

You have a new product or service idea, but you still have many questions and are not sure about the next steps.

You want to replace "I think we should do this" with "I know we need to do this" through a rapid market exploration. Replace gut feeling and guessing with real consumer intent data.

You want to explore different business ideas by experimenting to upgrade your business case with actual market evidence.
It's the best way to convince stakeholders.

What is EXPLORE?

EXPLORE is a 2-month track where we use experimentation and validation methods to test your potential new offerings. Through data-driven validation, user testing, and rapid experimentation, we de-risk assumptions and use rapid market feedback to iterate ideas, products, services, creating concepts that will win in the market.


7B's EXPLORE provided me with solid data to justify strategic decisions for our product. The approach strongly minimized the risk.

Christian - Founder at MobileProtector
Growth Hacker (unBranded).png

Key business questions EXPLORE helps you answer

What is the market potential of a new product or service idea?
What should be the main features?
What is the willingness to pay of customers?
What should be the business model? A one-off fee, a subscription, or something else?

Key benefits of running an EXPLORE track

Evidence-based decision-making

EXPLORE replaces guesswork with real consumer intent data, enabling informed decisions and upgrades to business cases through rapid market exploration.

De-risking assumptions

EXPLORE helps reduce the risk associated with new ideas by using experimentation and validation methods to test assumptions and iterate based on real market feedback.

Effective stakeholder buy-in

By providing a fast and data-driven decision-making process, EXPLORE helps convince stakeholders with validated business models, irrefutable evidence-based insights, and a prioritized list of opportunities.

The approach

Supercharge your team with a way to go from uncertainty into clarity, through a data-driven journey that transforms ideas into successful ventures through real market validation and evidence-based decision-making.

Step 1 - Assumption Mapping

Highlight the biggest risks in your idea with a focus on desirability, viability, feasibility, and sustainability.

Step 2 - Concept refinement

Based on your strategy and our research & data analysis we refine your process, product, or concept and ideate different business models to test.

Step 3 - Validation Strategy

We determine the optimal market experiments to gather the right data enabling you to make a data-driven decision. We also define the key success criteria for the experiments.

Step 4 - Launch the experiments

Get out of the building with the right quantitative and qualitative experiments and collect actual market data.

Step 5 - Analyze the results & iterate

You get a validated business model, product, or service variation based on actual customer feedback.
It gives you a clear and prioritized list of opportunity spaces.

Step 6 - Update your business case

Input the experiment results in your business case, get a clear sight of market potential and size, and convince stakeholders with actual evidence.

Our experience with EXPLORE

+150Validation Experiments run
73Concepts (in)validated
+3,000,000Customers reached for testing

Ready to EXPLORE?

Let's build your business of tomorrow.

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