Kickstart your innovation efforts and inspire your team.


Your problem in a nutshell

You have a lot of innovative ideas in your team, but you’re not sure where to start.

You‘re looking for a way to concretize and prioritize your ideas, giving them more depth and clarity.

You want to map the biggest risks and create an actionable plan to minimize them.

You also want to inspire your team to work on innovation projects.

What is IGNITE?

IGNITE is a condensed 1-day workshop for structuring your innovative ideas and energizing your team for innovation.

Innovation of processes, ways of working, experiences, products and services are all possible.

We inspired teams at

Innovation Consultant at work_LoRes.jpg

Key business questions IGNITE helps you answer

How can we concretize the ideas in our team?
How do we set priorities on which ideas to pursue?
How do we map the risks and challenges for each idea?
How can I let my team think more out of the box?

Key benefits of running an IGNITE workshop

Team inspiration and motivation

IGNITE creates an environment that fosters inspiration, creativity, and motivation within teams. The many out- and in-industry examples inspire teams to think innovatively and explore new possibilities. This not only sparks creativity but also boosts team morale and engagement, driving enthusiasm and commitment toward innovative projects.

Idea concretization and prioritization

IGNITE supports teams to concretize and bring clarity to their new ideas. Through structured activities like assumption mapping, concept building, and prioritization exercises, IGNITE helps teams identify the most promising ideas and establish a prioritized list for further development.

Risk mapping & generating buy-in

IGNITE helps teams identify and address the risks and challenges associated with each idea. By focusing on factors like desirability, viability, and feasibility, IGNITE enables teams to thoroughly map the risks and challenges involved in their innovative projects. This lets your team think about what needs to be collected to convince stakeholders and create actionable plans.

The approach

What an IGNITE workshop actually looks like

Part 1 - Inspiration

We supercharge your team with inspiring out- and in-industry examples and teach them innovative tools they can use.

Part 2 - Mapping & ideation

We collect your team's ideas and map them out based on impact and urgency. We uplevel the most promising concepts with the build it - break it - fix-it approach.

Part 3 - Action

After mapping out the risks of the best ideas in terms of desirability, viability and feasibility, we create an actionable plan to set your team up for success.

Ready to IGNITE?

Let's build your business of tomorrow.

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